Design with Felix

Felix Westphal

I am a Berlin-based Interaction Designer.
I help your customers to better understand and utilize your digital and physical products.

Felix Westphal

UX & Service Designer


I am a Berlin-based Interaction Designer.
Through design, I help your customers to better understand and utilize your digital and physical products.

Together we design...


to set the stage for your customer’s experience.


that shape the touchpoints between you and your users.


crafted in a human-centered way to make your products accessible and desirable.


Making Covid-19 vaccine handling safe

Improving the safe and efficient handling of BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine by providing on-site guidelines and information to the key personelle fighting the corona crisis.

The handling of BioNTech’s newly developed Covid-19 vaccine is known to be quite difficult. But to guarantee it’s optimal effectiveness special safety measures while handling and administrating the vaccine are absolutely essential.

With interactive agency portvier I delevoped an UX concept and visual design for a set of mobile first web-apps to bring all necessary information to the doctors and nurses that handle and administer the vaccine. Secondly we addressed the patients that have been vaccinated to ensure optimal follow-up care.
Naturally this was a race against time. While the vaccination in Germany was about to start at the end of 2020 we hurried to prepare the digital distribution of all needed information while the underlaying contents where still being written and visual material produced in parallel.
Given these constraints the focus was to make sure all info will be easily accessible for the diverse group of users.

Medical, E-Health

→ portvier GmbH, → BioNTech SE

UX concept and wireframes, UI design, design library

Also on the team
PM, Backend Dev, Frontend Devs

Space and Time
Winter 2020/21

The handling of BioNTech’s newly developed Covid-19 vaccine is known to be quite difficult. But to guarantee it’s optimal effectiveness special safety measures while handling and administrating the vaccine are absolutely essential.

With interactive agency portvier I delevoped an UX concept and visual design for a set of mobile first web-apps to bring all necessary information to the doctors and nurses that handle and administer the vaccine. Secondly we addressed the patients that have been vaccinated to ensure optimal follow-up care.
Naturally this was a race against time. While the vaccination in Germany was about to start at the end of 2020 we hurried to prepare the digital distribution of all needed information while the underlaying contents where still being written and visual material produced in parallel.
Given these constraints the focus was to make sure all info will be easily accessible for the diverse group of users.

Medical, E-Health

→ portvier GmbH, → BioNTech SE

UX concept and wireframes, UI design, design library

Also on the team
PM, Backend Dev, Frontend Devs

Space and Time
Winter 2020/21

Streamlining Solar Home System Maintenance

How might we empower local technicians to maintain solar home systems in rural Africa?

Mobisol distributes and services PV solar systems for rural households and small businesses in East Africa. The former servicing process was based on phone calls and excel-sheets – prone to errors and not suitable once Mobisol’s operations scaled up. So the goal was to create a smartphone application that optimizes communication between the company’s staff, contractors and customers. The app assists technicians before, during and after the maintenance itself and also provides tools to better interact with the customer, making the most out of this powerful touchpoint.

Renewable energy, IoT

→ Mobisol GmbH

Field research, customer journey maps, UX design, app prototype, on- site user testing, UI specifications

Also on the team
Dev lead (PO), 2-3 android devs

Space and time
Arusha, Tanzania
Berlin, Germany
2015 – 2018

Mobisol distributes and services PV solar systems for rural households and small businesses in East Africa. The former servicing process was based on phone calls and excel-sheets – prone to errors and not suitable once Mobisol’s operations scaled up. So the goal was to create a smartphone application that optimizes communication between the company’s staff, contractors and customers. The app assists technicians before, during and after the maintenance itself and also provides tools to better interact with the customer, making the most out of this powerful touchpoint.

Renewable energy, IoT

→ Mobisol GmbH

Field research, customer journey maps, UX design, app prototype, on-site user testing

Also on the team
Dev lead (PO), 2-3 android devs, backend devs

Space and Time
Arusha, Tanzania
Berlin, Germany
2015 – 2018

Optimizing big-industry factory planning

How might we give easier access to industry components for engineers and buyers while showcasing the company’s service portfolio as part of the product?

For one of Bosch’s big industry subsidiaries we optimized a highly specialized tool for the selection and configuration of production line componentry.

The task was to simplify the user interface and provide a faster and more comprehensive access for non-specialists, such as buyers or project owners and their respective needs regarding information within a planning or servicing project.

In tight collaboration with the client’s department heads we also uplifted the service portfolio of the company. With growing foreign competition and their generally cheaper physical products, our aim was to condensate the offered connected services that nowadays are a key part of industry 4.0 products. Making the connection between physical product and provided maintainance services as clear as possible.

Industry 4.0

→ Bosch.IO

UX/UI analysis, User journey maps, UI prototypes and design templates for desktop and mobile

Also on the team
Strategic Designer (PO), manufacturing engineer, 2 UWP Devs

Space and time
Summer 2019

For one of Bosch’s big industry subsidiaries we optimized a highly specialized tool for the selection and configuration of production line componentry.

The task was to simplify the user interface and provide a faster and more comprehensive access for non-specialists, such as buyers or project owners and their respective needs regarding information within a planning or servicing project.

In tight collaboration with the client’s department heads we also uplifted the service portfolio of the company. With growing foreign competition and their generally cheaper physical products, our aim was to condensate the offered connected services that nowadays are a key part of industry 4.0 products. Making the connection between physical product and provided maintainance services as clear as possible.

Industry 4.0

→ Bosch.IO

UX/UI analysis, customer journey maps, UI prototypes and design templates for desktop and mobile

Also on the team
Strategic Designer (PO), manufacturing engineer, 2 UWP Devs

Space and time
Summer 2019

A Smarter Solar Home System

Utilizing East Africa’s growing smartphone usage to establish a new channel of communication between Mobisol and their solar home system customers.

With more and more smartphones in the hands of Mobisol’s solar home system users it was only logical to add these powerful devices as a new gateway of information and interaction to Mobisol’s services. The app allows customers to get immediate updates about their system, payments and offers. Most importantly the application aims to replace a clunky and error-prone sms-based communication method. With many customers being of low tech-literacy we aimed for a simple yet trustworthy design that empowers the user rather than overwhelms with unnecessary information. 
To bring these benefits to a bigger audience of pay-as-you-go service providers it is also now part of the → Paygee Ecosystem.

Renewable energy, IoT

→ Mobisol GmbH

Mobile UX & UI design, app prototypes, user testing, UI specifications

Also on the team
Database dev lead (PO), three android devs

Space and time
Arusha, Tanzania
Berlin, Germany
2015 – 2018

With more and more smartphones in the hands of Mobisol’s solar home system users it was only logical to add these powerful devices as a new gateway of information and interaction to Mobisol’s services. The app allows customers to get immediate updates about their system, payments and offers. Most importantly the application aims to replace a clunky and error-prone sms-based communication method. With many customers being of low tech-literacy we aimed for a simple yet trustworthy design that empowers the user rather than overwhelms with unnecessary information. 

To bring these benefits to a bigger audience of pay-as-you-go service providers it is also now part of the → Paygee Ecosystem.

Renewable energy, IoT

→ Mobisol GmbH

Mobile UX & UI concept and design, app prototypes, user testing

Also on the team
Database dev lead (PO), three android devs

Space and time
Arusha, Tanzania
Berlin, Germany
2015 – 2018

Simplifying Microscopy for Everyone

The clip-on microscope and smart image recognition software transform your smartphone into a powerful tool to analyze samples in seconds, wherever you are.

A young research group at TH Wildau had developed a solution that empowers any smartphone user to become a microscopy analyst. By combining a fairly low-tech hardware extension with smart algorithms and cloud services, Oculyze performs analysis for health and food-industry that had been costly and time-consuming up till now.
Together we worked out requirements and a design direction for the young start-up and their application.
I provided the team with fundamental branding and an app-design, as well as interactive prototypes to lay out a basis for their further product development. Since it’s founding, Oculyze has grown steadily and received multiple awards for their service product.

E-health, image recognition

Concept workshop, UX design, mobile app concept & design, prototyping, branding

Also on the team
CEO (PO), image recognition software engineer, android dev, marketing manager

Space and time
Wildau, Germany
Spring 2016 + recurring updates

A young research group at TH Wildau had developed a solution that empowers any smartphone user to become a microscopy analyst. By combining a fairly low-tech hardware extension with smart algorithms and cloud services, Oculyze performs analysis for health and food-industry that had been costly and time-consuming up till now.
Together we worked out requirements and a design direction for the young start-up and their application.
I provided the team with fundamental branding and an app-design, as well as interactive prototypes to lay out a basis for their further product development. Since it’s founding, Oculyze has grown steadily and received multiple awards for their service product.

E-health, image recognition

Concept workshop, UX design, mobile app concept & design, prototyping, branding

Also on the team
CEO (PO), image recognition software engineer, android dev, marketing manager

Space and time
Wildau, Germany
Spring 2016 + recurring updates


A research project to envision, explore & engineer concepts for future living spaces

The non-profit project Allerorten [everywhere] wants to engage the way we think about housing needs and living space in a tangible and open-minded way.

Our prototype “OTTO” allows us to create a year-roundly habitable space at various, even hardly accessible locations, and let people define it’s form and function through their individual use.

OTTO itself is under constant development and is iteratively designed to allow diverse stakeholders have a tangible discussion about the idea of mobile living spaces and their purpose in our ever changing global society. Allerorten does not provide a technical solution but rather a co-creational approach to design and architecture.

Future housing

Concept, design, construction

Also on the team 
Industrial designer, architects, urban developers, structural engineers

Space and time
Potsdam / Berlin / Frankfurt / Cologne, Germany
2016 – 2018

In collaboration with
→ Bastian Braun

The non-profit project Allerorten [everywhere] wants to engage the way we think about housing needs and living space in a tangible and open-minded way.

Our prototype “OTTO” allows us to create a year-roundly habitable space at various, even hardly accessible locations, and let people define it’s form and function through their individual use.

OTTO itself is under constant development and is iteratively designed to allow diverse stakeholders have a tangible discussion about the idea of mobile living spaces and their purpose in our ever changing global society. Allerorten does not provide a technical solution but rather a co-creational approach to design and architecture.

Future housing

Concept, design, construction

Also on the team 
Industrial designer, architects, urban developers, structural engineers

Space and time
Potsdam / Berlin / Frankfurt / Cologne, Germany
2016 – 2018

In collaboration with
→ Bastian Braun

Battling Headaches

How might a smartphone help migraine patients in their daily struggle with pain?

The certified medical app → M-Sense against headaches and migraines empowers people to discover personal trigger factors and learn how to avoid attacks.

With concepts and design mockups I helped the start-up to design therapy and progess-tracking functionalities. We also designed the behaviour of the newly integrated chatbot that helps to better undestand how migraines work in a conversational way.


Mobile app concepts, UX design, animations guides, UI specifications

Also on the team
CTO (PO), second interaction designer, four andriod & iOS devs

Space and time
Berlin, Germany
Summer 2017

In collaboration with
→ Luis Grass

The certified medical app → M-Sense against headaches and migraines empowers people to discover personal trigger factors and learn how to avoid attacks.

With concepts and design mockups I helped the start-up to design therapy and progess-tracking functionalities. We also designed the behaviour of the newly integrated chatbot that helps to better undestand how migraines work in a conversational way.


Mobile app concepts, UX design, animations guides, UI specifications

Also on the team
CTO (PO), second interaction designer, four andriod & iOS devs

Space and time
Berlin, Germany
Summer 2017

In collaboration with
→ Luis Grass

Workshop Facilitation

Educating future innovators

Together with Klara Lindner i help students from and professionals to better understand complex problems, define design challenges and create prototypes to communicate potential solutions.

Education, innovation methods

Design Thinking workshop facilitation

Also on the team
Service designer / coach lead

Space and time
Berlin, Germany
Barcelona, Spain
2015 – 2017

In collaboration with
→ Klara Lindner

Together with Klara Lindner i help students from and professionals to better understand complex problems, define design challenges and create prototypes to communicate potential solutions.

Education, innovation methods

Design Thinking workshop facilitation

Also on the team
Service designer / coach lead

Space and time
Berlin, Germany
Barcelona, Spain
2015 – 2017

In collaboration with
→ Klara Lindner

Fuelling Regional Airports

Boiling down the B2B purchase funnels for jet-fuel.

To provide an easier and more reliable access to fuel and maintenance products I created an extensive set of wireframes to tackle the B2B aviation purchase funnel as well as it‘s CMS in the background. Interactive prototypes then helped us to discuss the use cases with the client and end-users.


Mobile and desktop UX design, wireframes, interactive prototypes

Also on the team
Digital Consultant (PO)

Time and space
Berlin, Germany
Summer 2015

To provide an easier and more reliable access to fuel and maintenance products I created an extensive set of wireframes to tackle the B2B aviation purchase funnel as well as it‘s CMS in the background. Interactive prototypes then helped us to discuss the use cases with the client and end-users.


Mobile and desktop UX design, wireframes, interactive prototypes

Also on the team
Digital Consultant (PO)

Time and space
Berlin, Germany
Summer 2015

Interactive Installations

Creating experiences on the intersection of physical space and digital media

In collaboration → Potsdam Museum, we dealt with creative struggles of censored artists during in the former German Democratic Republic.

A life-sized room, consisting of rear-projected surfaces, can completely change it’s appearance according to the different stories we captured in interviews, wrapping visitors effectively in the context of that time.
To further engage with the protagonists the visitor can interact with objects inside the room and influence the narration.

Narrative space, interactive storytelling

Exhibit concept, projection mapping, visual design, animation, audio production

Space and time
Potsdam, Germany

In collaboration → Potsdam Museum, we dealt with creative struggles of censored artists during in the former German Democratic Republic.

A life-sized room, consisting of rear-projected surfaces, can completely change it’s appearance according to the different stories we captured in interviews, wrapping visitors effectively in the context of that time.
To further engage with the protagonists the visitor can interact with objects inside the room and influence the narration.

Narrative space, interactive storytelling

Exhibit concept, projection mapping, visual design, animation, audio production

Space and time
Potsdam, Germany


Designing the encounter between people and the remote digital alter-ego of a real life tree.

For this project with Neubau Berlin, one of Berlin’s finest type studios, we created a remote representation of a tree to celebrate the release of their high-detail tree-library → Neubau Forst. Sensors pick up physical data at the actual tree’s location while it’s digital representation is visually modified according to the sensor’s input hundreds of kilometers away. The avatar will react to passersby, wind, noise and more.

Exhibition, experimental, IoT

Interaction concept, visual design, animations

Also on the team
Visual Designer, two interaction designers

Space and time
Berlin, Germany

For this project with Neubau Berlin, one of Berlin’s finest type studios, we created a remote representation of a tree to celebrate the release of their high-detail tree-library → Neubau Forst. Sensors pick up physical data at the actual tree’s location while it’s digital representation is visually modified according to the sensor’s input hundreds of kilometers away. The avatar will react to passersby, wind, noise and more.

Exhibition, experimental, IoT

Interaction concept, visual design, animations

Also on the team
Visual Designer, two interaction designers

Space and time
Berlin, Germany

Multi-Screen Experiences

Crafting the bridge between Smart TVs & handheld devices

At → FAME I designed explorative prototypes for e.g. EU-research projects as well as commercial products of renowned industry clients. FAME’s expertise are multiscreen interfaces and APIs to gap all kinds of screens and devices.
I was responsible for interaction concepts, wireframing, prototypes and visual designs of various mobile, smart-tv and multiscreen applications, working closely with the team of developers as well as the marketing department.

Interactive Media

Multi screen UX design concepts, wireframes, interactive prototypes, UI design

Also on the team
Dev-teams of varying sizes, approx. one to five people

Space and time
Berlin, Germany
2012 – 2014

At → FAME I designed explorative prototypes for e.g. EU-research projects as well as commercial products of renowned industry clients. FAME’s expertise are multiscreen interfaces and APIs to gap all kinds of screens and devices.
I was responsible for interaction concepts, wireframing, prototypes and visual designs of various mobile, smart-tv and multiscreen applications, working closely with the team of developers as well as the marketing department.

Interactive Media

Multi screen UX design concepts, wireframes, interactive prototypes, UI design

Also on the team
Dev-teams of varying sizes, approx. one to five people

Space and time
Berlin, Germany
2012 – 2014

About Me

I help companies to create digital and physical interfaces, shape seamless services and give them the good looks they deserve. 

With over a decade of experience in the field and eight+ years as a freelancer, I am familiar with the industry-leading methods and tools in regards of researching, ideating, prototyping and implementing digital products.
For both, direct-to-client and agency work, Startups as well as global players.

I hold a → bachelor’s degree in Interface Design and have been heavily shaped by Human Centered Design and → Design Thinking — putting user’s needs first and thinking products as services.

In collaboration with my ↓ friends I also provide design consultation and workshops for small and big teams.

Find me on → LinkedIn.

Working with Friends

To serve a greater field of clients and discover even more user needs along their customer journeys we formed the collective Lovolab.

From design research to service design we offer in-depth consultation to help companies and organisations create meaningful solutions with impact.

Head over to → for more information.